Fiber Laser Welding Machine Logo


1500 KW with Wire Feed
Estimated delivery: STOCK to 60 days, payment.
List Price (Total Due):
Freight not included:
Fairview, TN.
$ 27,000.00
70% Due with Order:
$ 18,900.00
30% Due Prior to Shipment:
$ 8,100.00

Additional Options:
6’ x 8’ Safety Screen $250.00/each (specify color)
Casters $50/set

2000 KW with Wire Feed
Estimated delivery: STOCK to 60 days, payment.
List Price (Total Due):
Freight not included:
Fairview, TN.
$ 34,200.00
70% Due with Order:
$ 23,940.00
30% Due Prior to Shipment:
$ 10,260.00

Additional Options:
6’ x 8’ Safety Screen $250.00/each (specify color)
Casters $50/set

3000 KW with Wire Feed
Estimated delivery: STOCK to 60 days, payment.
List Price (Total Due):
Freight not included:
Fairview, TN.
$ 57,600.00
70% Due with Order:
$ 40,320.00
30% Due Prior to Shipment:
$ 17,280.00

Additional Options:
6’ x 8’ Safety Screen $250.00/each (specify color)
Casters $50/set