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Laser Beam Welding Process in 5 Steps: A Detail Guide

Laser welding is a precise process for fusing metal parts with a laser beam. It is especially used in small-component welding automation, where tight control eliminates cleanup. However, the laser beam welding process is elegant. Not being measured here can turn the final outcome into garbage.

The process begins by preparing the entire setup. Then comes precise beam focusing, followed by setting optimal welding parameters. Next, the actual welding takes place. This leads to cooling and solidification, completing this efficient method of joining materials.

However, there is more to these steps. So, in this article, we will take you on a ride through the complete laser welding process. We will also look at the advantages of this fine technique. Keep reading to explore more.

What is Laser Beam Welding?

Laser welding, also known as laser beam welding (LBW), is a process that uses a laser to melt materials. The melted materials fuse together as they cool. It is a versatile process that can weld thin materials at high speeds while performing narrow and deep welds on thicker materials.

Laser welding equipment is more expensive than traditional welding processes. However, its operating costs are lower. That’s because it does not require extra filler material or post-processing. Additionally, the high welding speeds enable the production of more parts per hour.

This process’s technology is very different from that of traditional arc welding processes like MIG, TIG, and SMAW. Modern laser welding applications use programmable robots with advanced optics. These robots can precisely target a specific area of the workpiece.

Laser Beam Welding Process: How Does It Work?

Laser welding is a process that uses a concentrated laser beam to join metal components. The process is divided into five steps. It is computerized and constantly monitored for accuracy and control. Let’s look at the steps in detail:

  • Preparation

Laser welding begins with preparation. This step is critical to achieving high-quality welds. The preparation phase generally includes

  • Decontaminating the parts by cleaning them
  • Ensuring proper fit and alignment
  • Planning the joint configuration
  • Using fixtures made from solid milling blocks


Cleaning removes substances that may interfere with welding. On the other hand, fit-up and alignment make sure that welds are precise and last a long time. Joint construction lets heat move quickly and gives you the strength you need.

To keep the pieces in place while welding, you might need to use fixtures.

  • Beam Focusing

Beam focusing means making the laser beam bigger and changing its shape so that it focuses on the weld joint. It narrows the beam down to a smaller area by collimating and focusing it. A special lens is needed to focus the laser beam so that it can be used for welding.

Beam focusing must be done right. That’s because it controls how bright and big the energy spot is. It lets you precisely heat and melt workpieces, which makes the weld better and easier to control.

There are some more important factors in achieving optimal energy delivery, such as:

  • Lens selection
  • Focal distance optimization
  • Beam alignment with the weld joint


  • Welding Parameters

Welding parameters must be carefully chosen and optimized to get the quality and strength of the weld that is wanted. These are the settings that determine

  • Welding speed
  • Laser power
  • Pulse duration
  • Beam diameter
  • Repetition rate


The laser’s power determines how much energy is sent to the weld joint. Conversely, the amount of heat input and the size of the heat-affected zone are both affected by the welding speed.

The diameter of the beam determines the energy concentration. Conversely, the duration and rate of repetition control melting and solidification. Think about the material, thickness, joint design, and use case when you set welding parameters. It is vital that you use the machine’s recommended welding parameters and material settings.

  • Welding Process

For the actual welding process, a laser beam is guided along the joint to melt and join the materials. A coherent energy source emits a powerful beam. The beam travels through a mirror delivery path before focusing on a specific spot on the workpiece via a series of lenses.

As the beam hits the piece of work, it heats up in a certain area and melts the joint quickly. For strong, reliable welds with little distortion, this step must be done correctly. Welding produces high-quality material bonds.

  • Cooling and Solidification

Once the metal has been heated, it starts to cool down. The rate of cooling changes the microstructure and mechanical properties of the weld. The metal hardens as it cools, joining the pieces together strongly.

The right cooling and solidification will ensure the weld properties you want. They also reduce residual stress. To control the rate of cooling and make the weld better, you can use post-weld heat treatment or cooling devices.

advanced laser welding

Advantages of Laser Welding

Laser welding is a versatile technique that has numerous applications. Here are a few advantages of laser beam welding:

  • Reduced Thermal Impact

Laser welding reduces the amount of heat dispersed into the surrounding material. Such dispersion may result in negative effects, such as bending or stress. Additionally, this welding process reduces the risk of thermal distortion in a workpiece. That’s because it causes less thermal stress at the weld seam.

  • Versatile

A laser beam welder can do a lot of different things. It can be used with various thick plates, precious metals, copper contacts, or dissimilar metals. Its wide range of applications makes it a popular sheet metal fabrication method.

  • High Speed

Laser welding techniques can weld up to five times faster than traditional processes. This process’s high welding speed reduces processing times. It also increases productivity over a short period of time.

  • Reliability

Being force-free, non-contact, and wear-free makes laser welding techniques very reliable. Similarly, the process’s high welding depths provide high strength.


Q. Why is Laser Welding Important?

Ans. A high aspect ratio, or a large depth to a narrow width, can be made with laser welding. This capability allows laser welding to be used in joint configurations. Other conduction-limited welding techniques may hardly handle that. For example, stake welding through lap joints is difficult with traditional methods but possible with laser welding.

Q. What is Laser Welding Good For?

Ans. Laser welding, both manually and automatically, can produce precise, repeatable, and high-quality welds in a variety of industries. These industries include automotive, aerospace, medical, and electronics.

Q. Can Laser Welding Be Used in Any Type of Welding Application?

Ans. No, laser welding might not be the best way to do all kinds of welding jobs. Laser welding has many good points, but it also has some bad points. Some of these are a limited joint thickness and a sensitivity to the properties of the material. Also, laser welding can be expensive and needs special tools that might not work for some jobs.


The laser welding process comprises some calculated steps. The main thing is to direct the laser beam towards the targeted workpiece. It then creates the necessary bond after proper cooling.

However, before that, you need to clean and plan the joint configuration. Afterward, setting the accurate beam focus, diameter, welding speed, etc., is necessary. Besides, ensuring the laser welder is of the highest quality can make the process more sharp.

With Fiber Laser Welder, you are getting exactly that in the form of high-quality handheld welders. We aim to revolutionize welding with cutting-edge machines that are precise, efficient, and powerful. Contact us today to get your welder.